38 Behavior

38 Hertz Community Guidelines & Code of Conduct

When you come to our community, it’s important that we are mindful of how we communicate.  We have an opportunity here not only for understanding each other better but also learning more about ourselves!  We’re always looking for ways to better understand each other. We want people who come from all walks of life and with many different backgrounds so they can get a sense of what it’s like being someone else!  It also helps that these conversations are not one-sided either; by learning more about your fellow community members you open yourself up too which benefits everyone involved.

We’re here to make this place a welcoming, harassment-free environment for everyone.  No matter who you are or what your identity may be – regardless of gender, gender identity and expression, sex, sexual orientation, disability, neuro(a)typicality, physical appearance, body size, race, ethnicity, national origin, immigration status, age, political affiliation, or religion.

We believe in the power of kindness. We don’t have to agree on everything – that’s why we allow for varied views and perspectives among our members! However, everyone deserves an opportunity share their thoughts with us; as long they’re respectful towards one another is all that matters at this community site.

What we do not allow:

Self-promotion which includes links to articles written or resources created by you or any type of spam.
Being rude, hateful or insulting
Harassing other members.  This includes:

  • Offensive comments or jokes
  • Deliberate intimidation, stalking, or following
  • Threats of violence
  • Unwelcomed sexual attention
  • Trolling

If you are being harassed, or if you notice that someone else in the community is being harassed, please contact 38 Hertz.

Please remember, the main purpose of 38 Hertz is to increase your happiness so do behave accordingly.  In a world of tough conversations where people are often shouty and aggressive, we choose to be kind. We don’t have all the answers – in fact it’s wonderful that our community has such diverse views on everything from politics (and other topics)to pop culture! But when you come here things should stay pretty civil because no one deserves negativity just for sharing their opinion or idea- especially if they’re respectful towards others while doing so.

38 Hertz has the right to remove anyone from our social media platforms at its sole discretion without warning or notice.


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