April 17 – International Haiku Poetry Day

haiku poetry day

Haiku Poetry Day is today!

The haiku poem is one of the most beautiful and elegant forms of poetry in the world. With its simple structure of three lines and seventeen syllables, the haiku captures the beauty and essence of the natural world with remarkable precision. Whether describing the changing of the seasons, the colors of a sunset, or the delicate petals of a flower, haikus have a way of capturing the very essence of these moments in time.

It’s no wonder that they are so beloved by poets and readers alike. Reading a haiku is like taking a deep breath of fresh air, grounding you in the present moment and connecting you with the beauty of the world around you.  Join us as we celebrate Haiku Poetry Day today!


Haiku was originally known as hokku, a type of collaborative poetry that was meant to be the opening verse of a larger piece. However, over time, the hokku began to stand on its own as a distinct form of poetry. Haiku is known for its brevity and simplicity, often consisting of just three lines and 17 syllables. The haiku format quickly spread throughout Japan and eventually made its way to other parts of the world, where it continues to inspire poets to this day.


  1.  Choose a Theme: Select a specific theme or subject that encapsulates a moment, emotion, or observation. Haikus often focus on nature, seasons, or human experiences.
  2. Understand the Structure: Follow the 5-7-5 syllable structure, with the first line containing 5 syllables, the second line 7, and the third line 5. This constraint encourages brevity and precision.
  3. Focus on Imagery: Use vivid and sensory language to paint a clear picture in the reader’s mind. Appeal to the senses of sight, sound, touch, taste, or smell to create a sensory experience.
  4. Capture a Moment: Haikus are snapshots of a moment. Choose a specific moment in time, allowing the reader to experience it along with you. Simplicity is key.
  5. Seasonal Reference (Kigo): Incorporate a seasonal word or phrase (kigo) to evoke a sense of time and place. This connection to nature is a traditional aspect of haiku.
  6. Use Concrete Language: Be specific and avoid abstract concepts. Concrete language adds clarity and helps the reader visualize the scene.
  7. Create Contrast (Kireji): Introduce a subtle pause or cutting word (kireji) in the poem to create contrast or a shift in focus. This adds depth and complexity to the haiku.
  8. Consider Juxtaposition: Explore the beauty of opposites or unexpected pairings. Juxtaposing elements can add layers of meaning to your haiku.
  9. Edit and Revise: Haikus thrive on simplicity and precision. Edit your poem, removing unnecessary words and ensuring each syllable contributes meaningfully.
  10. Reflect on Nature: Embrace the spirit of nature. Haikus often capture the essence of a natural scene or moment, emphasizing the interconnectedness of human experience with the environment.

Remember, while the traditional 5-7-5 syllable structure is common in English haikus, contemporary haiku poets often deviate from this pattern to focus on the essence of the form. Experimentation and creativity are key in crafting meaningful haiku poetry.


Celebrate the beauty of brevity on Haiku Poetry Day! Immerse yourself in the world of this traditional Japanese art form, characterized by its 5-7-5 syllable structure and profound simplicity. Discover the essence of capturing moments in a handful of words, as poets around the globe pay homage to the delicate art of haiku. Explore the power of nature, seasons, and human experiences distilled into a few lines, and join the poetic celebration that honors the spirit of conciseness and contemplation. Uncover the allure of Haiku Poetry Day, where words paint vivid pictures, and emotions resonate in the space between syllables.

  1.  Take a course in Haiku Poetry.
  2.  Enjoy 100 Haikus.
  3.  Purchase beautiful Haiku things.
  4.  Write your own using the Haiku generator.
  5.  Find events and more at The Haiku Foundation.
  6.  If you love the article image, purchase it on these fun products on Zazzle!
  7.  Download the 38 Hertz Celebration Book for 365 days of celebrations!

Note:  If the above links do not direct you to the appropriate referral on the first try, return to the article and try again.

Do you have any ideas about how to celebrate Haiku Poetry Day?  Please share them!

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