December 6 – National Influenza Vaccination Week

It’s no secret that the flu shot is one of the best remedies to keep you healthy and safe through flu season. Not only does getting a yearly flu shot help protect you, but it also helps protect your friends, family, and fellow community members. Plus, it’s a lot more fun than fighting off symptoms! Investing in your health by getting the vaccine can save you lots of time and discomfort in the long run while also helping make sure that everyone around has a healthy winter. So don’t wait – make sure to get yourself a flu shot.  Today is the perfect day!


The flu shot has been around since the early 1930s – almost 90 years ago! It is still one of the best ways to protect yourself against the flu, as it was then. Back in those days, a nasal swab was used to inoculate people from the deadly Spanish Flu pandemic. Thankfully, today we use more advanced techniques and have embraced administering regular flu shots to combat this wintertime nuisance. This means that we get a fresh vaccine annually, so nobody has to catch up with an old update.


  1.  Flu shots help to weaken or even avoid the effects of influenza.
  2.  Most people only need one shot per season but certain individuals such as young children and elderly may require additional shots for protection.
  3.  Side-effects are rare but occasionally people may experience low-grade fever, soreness, or achiness in the arm after receiving the vaccine.
  4.  The effectiveness of the vaccine can vary depending on the individual’s age and overall health.
  5.  The best time to get a flu shot is at least two weeks before illness begins circulating in order to maximize its effectiveness!


  1.  Get your flu shot today!
  2.  Take a course on Basic Virology.
  3.  Familiarize yourself with the CDC and learn about vaccinations.
  4.  The pros and cons of flu shots.
  5.  If you love the article image, purchase it on these fun products on Zazzle!

Note:  If the above links do not direct you to the appropriate referral on the first try, return to the article and try again.

Do you have any ideas about how to celebrate this day?  Please share them!



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