
Hi There!

My name is Debbie Schwarm, and I am the creator of 38 Hertz.

Once upon a time I was The Expert on sadness and depression!  No joke.  But now I’m happy!

It was a few days after Christmas, you know that weird week between Christmas and New Year’s when we don’t know what day it is or what we are doing or if we are working or not?  Not really unusual, that sort of let down after holidays, you know?  Of course you do.

I asked myself why I had been so happy, and now I am not.   Then BAM, it hit me.  Because you’ve been doing things that make you happy!  So, I had a not-very-rocket-science moment, yet a profound one, that went like this……

“Find things that make you happy and do more of that!”

Brilliant.  Yet so simple.  And then that wandering mind thing took over, and I thought it’d be a great blog.  A blog on happiness for regular people looking to do everyday regular things to get happier.  What a way to keep me happy too, to write about happiness.  What a swell idea!  I got up and hit the computer.  It literally happened as quickly as you are reading these few paragraphs, I went from sad and unmotivated to happy and jazzed.  And I realized how much control we DO have over our happiness.  I had just fixed it in a matter of minutes.

And 38 Hertz was born.

At 38 Hertz, I’m exploring happiness and how regular people like you and me can find more of it.  I am not a doctor or therapist.  I hold no degrees in psychology.  I’m simply a regular person who suffered from a very longstanding bout of clinical depression, and now I’m pretty happy.  I’ll be sharing with you how I got from D to H, and I’ll want you to share your stories too!

Happiness is such a simple concept, yet many people don’t do things to be happy.  It’s all around us but we choose not to see it and enjoy it – or even think of happiness as something real because we are conditioned by society to believe in scarcity.  Our primitive brains are wired to think negatively too.  Oh, that’s just not fair!  I mean, we actually have to work at being happy, it’s not a natural state of being.  We can, however, change that state by focusing on being happy.

I totally get that some profound sadness is medical and sometimes medications can help that.  I totally get that tragedy happens, and it’s hard to be happy during those times.  I’m not advocating fake happiness, but I have learned a lot about sadness and happiness, and you can too!  We can climb out of those very dark times.

So let us explore happiness together!

What’s with the name, 38 Hertz?

In order to be happy, you need your body’s frequency of vibration at 38 Hz.  There is a scientifically proven frequency of 38 hertz which means it can stimulate brain activity and make people feel happy.  So, let’s achieve 38 Hertz!

Enjoy the ride, and get on it with me, because I don’t want to simply tell you how to be happy, I want us to explore it together!  My hope is you will read the articles and newsletters and engage!  It’s so much better when everyone shares their experiences rather than one guy (me) telling you about my own journey.

Like, share, comment, take the surveys, please engage!  Oh, and if you haven’t done so yet, get my FREE 30 Days to More Happiness Guide below.  This will also sign you up for my weekly newsletter where I’ll be tackling a new idea about happy things that will get you to 38 Hertz!

Debbie Schwarm

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