January 14 – National Dress Up Your Pet Day

dress up your pet day

National Dress Up Your Pet Day is January 14!

This is no ordinary day, my friends. It is the day where you get to spoil your furry amigo and show them some love. It’s Dress Up Your Pet Day! Whether it’s your loyal Labrador, your sassy Siamese, or your cheeky Chihuahua, show them off in their cutest or craziest outfit. You could put them in a fancy dress or a superhero costume – the options are endless. Celebrate the bond between you and your pet by indulging them with some fun and perhaps some treats! So mark your calendars and get ready for Dress Up Your Pet Day on January 14th. Your pet will thank you with licks and cuddles!


Dress Up Your Pet Day was created by pet lifestyle expert and animal behaviorist Colleen Paige in 2009. It encourages pet owners to have fun with their furry friends by dressing them up in cute and creative outfits.

Ten Things to Help You with Dress Up Your Pet Day

Embrace the whimsy and warmth of Dress Up Your Pet Day, a delightful celebration that invites pet owners to unleash their creativity and showcase the charming personalities of their furry companions. Beyond the laughter and shared moments, Dress Up Your Pet Day fosters a unique bond between pets and their owners, creating memories that last a lifetime. Join the festivities, explore the world of pet fashion, and let the spirit of fun and love for our beloved pets take center stage.Β  Here are some fun and safe tips:

  1. Β Pet Comfort is Key: When dressing up your pet, prioritize their comfort. Choose outfits made of soft, breathable materials, and ensure that the costume doesn’t restrict their movement or cause discomfort.
  2. Β Start Slowly: If your pet is not accustomed to wearing clothes, introduce dressing up gradually. Begin with short sessions and positive reinforcement to help them associate the experience with something enjoyable.
  3. Β Pet-Safe Materials: Opt for pet-safe fabrics that won’t irritate their skin or pose a choking hazard. Avoid small accessories that could be easily chewed or swallowed.
  4. Β Proper Sizing: Ensure that the costume fits your pet properly. Avoid outfits that are too tight or too loose, as they can cause discomfort or pose a tripping hazard.
  5. Β Observe Your Pet’s Reaction: Pay attention to your pet’s behavior when dressed up. If they seem distressed, remove the costume immediately. Not all pets enjoy being dressed up, and it’s essential to respect their comfort levels.
  6. Β Seasonal Considerations: Consider the weather when dressing up your pet. In colder months, provide them with warm, cozy outfits, while in warmer weather, opt for lighter materials to prevent overheating.
  7. Β Safety First: Avoid costumes with small, dangling parts or accessories that could be harmful to your pet. Ensure that the outfit doesn’t impede their vision, hearing, or ability to breathe comfortably.
  8. Β Supervision is Crucial: Always supervise your pet when they are dressed up. This helps prevent any accidents or discomfort and allows you to intervene if they exhibit signs of distress.
  9. Β Positive Reinforcement: Use positive reinforcement, such as treats and praise, to create a positive association with dressing up. This can make the experience enjoyable for your pet.
  10. Β Capture the Moment: If your pet enjoys dressing up, capture adorable moments with photos or videos. Share the joy with friends and family, and consider participating in events like Dress Up Your Pet Day to showcase their fashionable side.


  1. Β Dress up your pet, find pet clothes here.
  2. Β Take a pet photography course.
  3. Β Host a pet dress-up party.
  4. Β Enjoy these images of pets dressed up.
  5. Β Try out the Thunder Shirt for dog anxiety.
  6. Β If you love the article image, purchase it on these fun products on Zazzle!
  7. Β Download the 38 Hertz Celebration Book for 365 days of celebrations!

Note:Β  If the above links do not direct you to the appropriate referral on the first try, return to the article and try again.

Do you have any ideas about how to celebrate this day?Β  Please share them!

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