April 7 – Anti-Bullying Make the First Move Day

anti bullyingAnti-Bullying starts today with Make the First Move Day!

Taking the first step towards achieving your goals can be challenging, but it’s important to remember that every journey starts with a single step. That’s what Greshun de Bouse, an entrepreneur and anti-bullying activist, had in mind when she founded First Move Life Coaching on Make the First Move Day 2018. With her coaching services, Greshun helps individuals unlock their full potential by guiding them through the process of making their first move towards the life they want.

Her passion for helping others is what sets her apart, and her dedication to tackling bullying is admirable. Don’t let fear hold you back any longer – make your first move today with the help of First Move Life Coaching.


In the 1990s, anti-bullying efforts began to gain traction, with the widespread implementation of school-based programs aimed at preventing bullying. However, it wasn’t until the early 2000s that anti-bullying campaigns really began to hit their stride and capture public attention. This was in large part due to the advocacy of figures such as Lady Gaga and Ellen DeGeneres, who used their platforms to bring attention to the devastating impact of bullying on young people. Today, anti-bullying campaigns are a crucial part of our society, serving to raise awareness and promote a message of compassion and inclusion.


  1.  Prevalence of Bullying:  Bullying remains a widespread issue, affecting millions of individuals globally, with various forms including verbal, physical, and cyberbullying.
  2.  Impact on Mental Health:  Victims of bullying often experience long-lasting effects on their mental health, including increased anxiety, depression, and lower self-esteem.
  3.  Cyberbullying Escalation:  The rise of technology has given rise to cyberbullying, where individuals are harassed online, amplifying the negative impact and extending the reach of bullying beyond physical spaces.
  4.  Bystander Effect:  The bystander effect plays a role in bullying situations, as witnesses may hesitate to intervene, fearing reprisals or social exclusion.
  5.  Link to Suicide:  Tragically, bullying has been linked to an increased risk of suicidal ideation and attempts, emphasizing the severe consequences of unchecked harassment.
  6.  Long-Term Educational Impact:  Bullying can significantly disrupt a victim’s education, leading to poor academic performance, absenteeism, and a hostile learning environment.
  7.  Persistent Issue:  Despite increased awareness, bullying persists, indicating the need for ongoing efforts in anti-bullying education, policies, and intervention strategies.
  8.  Cultural and Social Factors:  Cultural and social factors can contribute to the perpetuation of bullying behaviors, highlighting the importance of addressing systemic issues to create lasting change.
  9.  Anti-Bullying Programs:  Anti-bullying programs and initiatives are implemented globally to raise awareness, provide resources, and promote a culture of kindness and respect.
  10.  Role of Empathy:  Fostering empathy is crucial in combating bullying, as it encourages individuals to understand the impact of their actions and promotes a more compassionate and inclusive society.


  1.  Learn how to start an anti-bullying campaign.
  2.  Learn about bullying and the law.
  3.  Learn about Lady Gaga’s Born This Way Foundation.
  4.  Purchase things to support anti-bullying.
  5.  If you love the article image, purchase it on these fun products on Zazzle!

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Do you have any ideas about how to celebrate this day?  Please share them!

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