#28 38 Hertz Happy Hack: Explore Vegetable Recipes for Happy Health

eat more vegetables

Plot twist: – No vegetable recipes required!  How to eat more vegetables and say goodbye to complicated vegetable recipes because this is easy!  Here’s a really good one:

Spaghetti Squash Scrumptious Surprise 

Spaghetti squash (31 calories/cup)
Fire roasted tomatoes (21 calories/half cup)
Ground beef (218 calories per 3 oz of 85% lean)
Mushrooms (8 calories per 1/2 cup)
Green onions (5 calories per one onion)
Olive oil (120 calories per 1 T).

Add any other vegetables that strike your fancy.  It’s a really delicious way to eat more vegetables.  Cook those things however you want, pile them up on top of the spaghetti squash, and enjoy a delicious and healthy dish for around 400 calories.

I used my fun and cute red air fryer that I got as a Christmas gift to cook the squash while I sauteed the ground beef and mushrooms in the olive oil and topped it with uncooked green onions.  Guys, it’s heaven and no complicated vegetable recipes required.  It’s not that hard to find delicious ways to eat more vegetables.

Trying to eat more vegetables does not have to mean eating more raw carrots and celery sticks or hiding it all in a smoothie.  You don’t even need vegetable recipes; it’s that easy.  Initially what started out as a diet, became surprises that unfolded in my kitchen.  It turned a boring diet into something creative and fun!

Find vegetables you want, have them available in your refrigerator, and simply start to explore different ways to eat more vegetables!

10 Delicious Reasons Why You Should Eat More Vegetables – No Vegetable Recipes Required

  1.  Flavor Explosion: Contrary to common belief, vegetables offer a vast array of flavors that can tantalize your taste buds. From sweet and savory to earthy and spicy, exploring different vegetables introduces you to a world of culinary delights.
  2. Natural Energy Boost: Vegetables are rich in essential nutrients that provide a natural and sustained energy boost. Incorporating a variety of veggies into your diet can help combat fatigue and keep you energized throughout the day.
  3. Gut Health Support: Many vegetables are high in fiber, promoting a healthy digestive system and supporting gut health. A well-functioning gut is linked to improved overall well-being and may even impact mood.
  4. Vibrant Skin: The vitamins and antioxidants found in vegetables contribute to healthier and more radiant skin. Eating a variety of colorful veggies can provide essential nutrients that support skin health and combat signs of aging.
  5. Weight Management: Vegetables are naturally low in calories and high in fiber, making them an excellent choice for those looking to manage or lose weight. The fiber content promotes a feeling of fullness, reducing the likelihood of overeating.
  6. Heart Health: Many vegetables, such as leafy greens and colorful peppers, are rich in heart-healthy nutrients. Regular consumption can contribute to maintaining a healthy cardiovascular system and reducing the risk of heart-related issues.
  7. Improved Mood: Certain vegetables contain nutrients that support brain health and may positively impact mood. Incorporating a variety of veggies into your diet is a tasty way to nourish your brain and uplift your spirits.
  8. Enhanced Immunity: Vegetables are packed with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that strengthen the immune system. Regular consumption helps your body ward off illnesses and infections.
  9. Bone Health: Some vegetables, like broccoli and kale, are excellent sources of calcium and vitamin K, essential for maintaining strong and healthy bones. Including these veggies in your diet contributes to overall bone health.
  10. Reduced Inflammation: The anti-inflammatory properties of certain vegetables can help mitigate inflammation in the body. Chronic inflammation is linked to various health issues, and a diet rich in vegetables may contribute to its reduction.

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