June 12 – National Red Rose Day

national red rose dayNational Red Rose Day is Today!



National Red Rose Day is a special day to celebrate the gorgeous red rose. This flower is known for its striking color and beautiful fragrance, and it has been celebrated throughout history for its unique beauty. On this day, people all over the country will buy red roses to show their loved ones how much they care.

For those who don’t have a significant other, National Red Rose Day is also a great opportunity to show appreciation for other important people in your life, like your mom, best friend, or favorite teacher.


When researching the history of the day,  several opinions come up, none of which are entirely convincing.  One resource says the celebration began in 1921 to honor Canadian soldiers who died in WWI.  Another source says the day commemorates the French Revolution, which started in 1789.  A third source says it has to do with Jimi Hendrix?  What?!  Let’s just agree that there is no agreement on how this day came about, but our goal here is to find happiness, so choose the idea you like best.


  1. Adequate Sunlight: Ensure your roses receive at least 6 hours of sunlight per day to thrive. Roses need ample sunlight to produce vibrant blooms.
  2. Air Circulation: Allow proper air circulation around the plants to prevent diseases. Good airflow reduces the risk of fungal infections and promotes healthier foliage.
  3. Ample Watering: Provide consistent and adequate watering, especially during hot and dry periods, to keep the soil evenly moist.
  4. Balanced Fertilization: Use a balanced fertilizer formulated for roses to provide essential nutrients for healthy growth and blooming.
  5. Companion Planting: Plant garlic, chives, or marigolds nearby to naturally deter pests and boost rose health.
  6. Correct Pruning: Prune roses regularly to remove dead or diseased wood and encourage new growth and blooming.
  7. Deep Root Watering: Water deeply at the base of the plant to encourage deep root growth and drought resistance.
  8. Epsom Salt Application: Apply Epsom salt (magnesium sulfate) to the soil to promote healthy foliage and vibrant blooms.
  9. Fungal Prevention: Apply fungicide treatments preventatively to protect against common fungal diseases like powdery mildew and black spot.
  10. Good Drainage: Ensure proper drainage by amending heavy soils with organic matter to prevent waterlogging and root rot.
  11. Humidity Control: Maintain moderate humidity levels to prevent fungal diseases and stress on the plants.
  12. Insect Control: Regularly inspect roses for signs of pests and apply organic insecticides or beneficial insects as needed.
  13. Mulching: Apply a layer of organic mulch around the base of the plants to retain moisture, suppress weeds, and regulate soil temperature.
  14. Nitrogen Management: Avoid excessive nitrogen fertilization, which can promote lush foliage at the expense of blooming.
  15. Organic Soil Amendments: Use organic amendments like compost, aged manure, and bone meal to improve soil structure and fertility.
  16. Pest Inspection: Monitor roses regularly for signs of aphids, thrips, spider mites, and other common pests, and take appropriate action.
  17. Quick Action Against Diseases: Act quickly at the first sign of disease to prevent its spread, whether through pruning affected parts or applying treatments.
  18. Regular Deadheading: Remove spent blooms regularly to encourage continuous flowering throughout the growing season.
  19. Sufficient Airflow: Ensure adequate spacing between rose bushes to promote airflow and reduce the risk of fungal diseases.
  20. Thorough Watering: Water deeply to saturate the root zone, preferably in the morning, to minimize evaporation and ensure proper absorption.
  21. Use of Neem Oil: Apply neem oil as a natural and effective insecticide and fungicide to control pests and diseases.
  22. Vigilant Weed Control: Keep the area around roses free of weeds to minimize competition for nutrients and water.
  23. Winter Protection: Provide winter protection by mulching around the base and wrapping canes to prevent damage from freezing temperatures.
  24. Xeriscaping Techniques: Utilize xeriscaping principles to conserve water and create a low-maintenance, drought-tolerant garden.
  25. Year-Round Care: Provide care and maintenance year-round, including winter pruning and spring fertilization, to ensure healthy growth and blooming.
  26. Zoning Considerations: Choose rose varieties suitable for your USDA hardiness zone to ensure they can withstand local climate conditions.
  27. Adjustable Irrigation: Install drip irrigation or soaker hoses to deliver water directly to the root zone and minimize water waste.
  28. Beneficial Insects: Attract beneficial insects like ladybugs and lacewings to the garden to help control aphids and other pests.
  29. Consistent Pruning Schedule: Stick to a regular pruning schedule to maintain the shape, size, and health of the rose bushes.
  30. Drought-Tolerant Varieties: Select drought-tolerant rose varieties that require less water and are better suited to arid climates.
  31. Effective Soil Testing: Conduct regular soil tests to monitor pH levels and nutrient content and adjust fertilization accordingly.
  32. Frost Protection: Protect roses from frost damage by covering them with frost cloth or moving container-grown roses indoors during cold snaps.
  33. Grafted Varieties: Choose grafted rose varieties for increased vigor, disease resistance, and better overall performance.
  34. Herbicide Avoidance: Avoid using herbicides near rose bushes to prevent damage to the plants and surrounding soil.
  35. Integrated Pest Management: Implement an integrated pest management approach that combines cultural, biological, and chemical control methods as needed.
  36. Judicious Use of Chemicals: Use chemical pesticides and fungicides sparingly and according to label instructions to minimize harm to beneficial insects and the environment.
  37. Knowledgeable Pruning: Learn proper pruning techniques to avoid damaging or weakening the rose bushes and promote healthy growth.
  38. Light Pruning Throughout the Season: Lightly prune roses throughout the growing season to remove dead or diseased wood and encourage continuous flowering.
  39. Microclimate Considerations: Take advantage of microclimates in the garden to grow roses in areas with optimal sunlight, airflow, and protection from harsh weather conditions.
  40. Nurturing New Growth: Provide extra care and protection for newly planted or young rose bushes to help them establish strong root systems and vigorous growth.
  41. Optimal Planting Depth: Plant roses at the correct depth, with the graft union (if present) just above the soil surface, to prevent disease and encourage healthy growth.
  42. Proper Plant Spacing: Space rose bushes according to their mature size to prevent overcrowding and allow for proper airflow and light penetration.
  43. Quality Soil Preparation: Prepare the planting site with well-draining, nutrient-rich soil to give roses the best possible start and encourage healthy root development.
  44. Regular Feeding Schedule: Follow a regular feeding schedule throughout the growing season, applying fertilizer every 4-6 weeks to provide consistent nutrition for vigorous growth and blooming.
  45. Seasonal Adjustments: Adjust watering, fertilization, and other care practices seasonally to accommodate changes in weather and growing conditions.
  46. Timely Removal of Suckers: Remove suckers promptly to prevent them from diverting energy from the main plant and potentially overtaking it.
  47. Underplanting with Companion Plants: Underplant roses with low-growing, shade-tolerant companion plants like groundcovers or bulbs to maximize garden space and enhance visual appeal.
  48. Vigilant Monitoring: Monitor roses regularly for signs of stress, disease, or pest infestation, and take prompt action to address any issues before they escalate.
  49. Watering at the Root Zone: Water roses at the base of the plant rather than overhead to minimize the risk of fungal diseases and promote efficient water uptake.
  50. Xylem Health Maintenance: Maintain healthy xylem function by avoiding overwatering, which can lead to root rot, and providing adequate moisture to support nutrient transport and plant hydration.
  51. Year-Round Mulching: Apply mulch consistently throughout the year to regulate soil temperature, retain moisture, suppress weeds, and improve soil structure and fertility.
  52. Zero Tolerance for Disease: Adopt a zero-tolerance policy for diseases like rose rosette virus or crown gall, promptly removing and disposing of infected plants to prevent spread to healthy specimens.
  53. Appropriate Staking: Stake tall or top-heavy rose varieties to prevent them from bending or breaking under the weight of blooms or in strong winds, using soft ties or twine to avoid damage to stems.
  54. Beneficial Microorganisms: Encourage the presence of beneficial soil microorganisms like mycorrhizae by minimizing soil disturbance, avoiding chemical pesticides, and incorporating organic matter into the soil.
  55. Correct Airflow Management: Prune or thin out dense foliage to improve airflow around rose bushes, reducing the risk of fungal diseases and promoting healthy growth.
  56. Diverse Planting Design: Integrate roses into a diverse planting design that includes a variety of plants with different colors, textures, and bloom times to create a visually appealing and ecologically balanced garden.
  57. Effective Watering Techniques: Water roses deeply and infrequently, allowing the soil to dry out slightly between waterings to encourage deep root growth and drought tolerance.
  58. Favorable Microclimate Creation: Create microclimates within the garden by positioning roses near heat-retaining surfaces like walls or rocks and providing windbreaks to shield them from harsh winds and temperature fluctuations.
  59. Gentle Handling During Transplanting: Handle roses carefully during transplanting to minimize root disturbance and stress, ensuring they have the best possible chance of establishing quickly and thriving in their new location.
  60. Healthy Soil Microbial Communities: Maintain healthy soil microbial communities by avoiding chemical pesticides, incorporating organic matter, and practicing minimal soil disturbance to support nutrient cycling and plant health.
  61. Integrated Water Management: Integrate various water management techniques like rainwater harvesting, drip irrigation, and mulching to conserve water and promote efficient water use in the garden.
  62. Judicious Use of Chemical Controls: Use chemical controls like insecticides and fungicides as a last resort, opting for less harmful alternatives whenever possible, and strictly following label instructions to minimize negative impacts on beneficial insects and the environment.
  63. Knowledge of Rose Varieties: Familiarize yourself with the characteristics and requirements of different rose varieties to choose those best suited to your climate, soil, and garden conditions for optimal growth and performance.
  64. Low-Impact Garden Design: Design gardens with low environmental impact by incorporating native plants, minimizing lawn areas, using permeable paving materials, and implementing sustainable practices like composting and water conservation.
  65. Maximizing Sun Exposure: Position roses in locations with maximum sun exposure, avoiding shade from buildings, trees, or other structures to ensure they receive the light they need for vigorous growth and abundant flowering.
  66. Natural Pest Control Methods: Implement natural pest control methods like introducing predatory insects, using insecticidal soaps or neem oil, and planting companion plants that repel pests to manage insect populations without resorting to chemical pesticides.
  67. Optimal Nutrient Availability: Ensure optimal nutrient availability for roses by maintaining proper soil pH, avoiding nutrient imbalances, and providing a balanced diet of organic and mineral fertilizers tailored to their specific needs.
  68. Preventive Disease Management: Practice preventive disease management strategies like planting disease-resistant varieties, providing proper spacing and airflow, and avoiding overhead watering to minimize the risk of fungal diseases and other common rose ailments.
  69. Quality Soil Structure: Improve soil structure by incorporating organic matter like compost, aged manure, or leaf mold to increase water retention, aeration, and nutrient availability for roses.
  70. Responsible Use of Water: Conserve water in the garden by using drought-tolerant plants, mulching, capturing rainwater, and employing water-saving irrigation techniques to minimize water waste and promote sustainability.
  71. Selective Pruning for Form and Function: Prune roses selectively to maintain their natural form and function while removing dead, diseased, or damaged wood, encouraging vigorous growth, and shaping plants for aesthetic appeal and overall health.
  72. Timing of Fertilization: Apply fertilizer to roses at the appropriate times, such as in early spring before new growth begins and after each flush of blooms, to provide them with the nutrients they need for optimal growth and flowering.
  73. Understanding Plant Physiology: Develop a deep understanding of rose physiology and growth habits to anticipate their needs, diagnose problems, and provide appropriate care and maintenance throughout the growing season.
  74. Viable Propagation Methods: Propagate roses using viable methods like stem cuttings, layering, or grafting to produce healthy, genetically identical plants that retain the desired characteristics of the parent plant.
  75. Water Conservation Techniques: Implement water conservation techniques like drip irrigation, rainwater harvesting, and xeriscaping to reduce water usage in the garden and promote sustainable landscaping practices.
  76. Xanthocyanins in Petals: Encourage the production of xanthocyanins, natural pigments responsible for red coloration in roses, by providing adequate sunlight, proper nutrition, and optimal growing conditions.
  77. Year-Round Pest Monitoring: Monitor roses for signs of pest activity year-round, particularly during periods of peak activity like spring and summer, to detect and address infestations early before they become severe.
  78. Zero-Tolerance Policy for Pests: Adopt a zero-tolerance policy for pests like aphids, thrips, and spider mites, promptly treating infestations with targeted interventions to prevent damage to roses and minimize the need for chemical controls.
  79. Adjustment of Soil pH: Adjust soil pH as needed to maintain it within the optimal range for roses (slightly acidic to neutral) by incorporating amendments like sulfur or lime to correct acidity or alkalinity and promote nutrient availability.
  80. Biointensive Gardening Techniques: Implement biointensive gardening techniques like companion planting, crop rotation, and intercropping to maximize yields, minimize inputs, and promote ecological balance in the garden.
  81. Consistent Removal of Spent Blooms: Remove spent blooms promptly to prevent the development of fungal diseases and encourage the production of new flower buds for continuous blooming throughout the season.
  82. Deployment of Physical Barriers: Protect roses from browsing animals like deer or rabbits by installing physical barriers like fences, netting, or repellent plants to deter them from accessing vulnerable plants and causing damage.
  83. Employment of Biological Controls: Harness the power of biological controls like beneficial insects, predatory mites, and parasitic nematodes to manage pest populations naturally and maintain ecological balance in the garden.
  84. Implementation of Sustainable Practices: Embrace sustainable gardening practices like composting, mulching, organic pest control, and water conservation to minimize environmental impact, promote biodiversity, and support long-term soil health and fertility.
  85. Observance of Indigenous Knowledge: Respect and integrate indigenous knowledge and traditional practices related to rose cultivation, propagation, and use to honor cultural heritage, preserve biodiversity, and promote community resilience.
  86. Consideration of Microbial Communities: Foster healthy soil microbial communities by minimizing soil disturbance, avoiding synthetic chemicals, and adding organic amendments to support nutrient cycling, disease suppression, and plant health.
  87. Utilization of Natural Plant Extracts: Harness the power of natural plant extracts like neem oil, garlic, or chili pepper to repel pests, inhibit fungal growth, and promote overall plant health without resorting to synthetic chemicals or harmful substances.
  88. Facilitation of Cross-Pollination: Attract pollinators like bees, butterflies, and hummingbirds to the garden by planting nectar-rich flowers, providing habitat and nesting sites, and avoiding the use of pesticides that can harm beneficial insects.
  89. Promotion of Genetic Diversity: Preserve and promote genetic diversity in roses by selecting heirloom or open-pollinated varieties, saving seeds, and participating in seed exchanges or conservation programs to maintain a wide range of unique traits and adaptations.
  90. Embrace of Indigenous Plant Wisdom: Embrace indigenous plant wisdom and traditional ecological knowledge related to roses, including cultivation techniques, medicinal uses, and cultural significance, to honor diverse cultural perspectives and foster connection to the land.
  91. Practice of Mindful Watering: Practice mindful watering by using techniques like drip irrigation, hand watering, or rainwater harvesting to deliver water directly to the root zone, minimize runoff, and conserve water resources in the garden.
  92. Incorporation of Green Manures: Incorporate green manures like clover, alfalfa, or vetch into the garden to improve soil fertility, structure, and moisture retention, as well as provide habitat for beneficial insects and microorganisms.
  93. Integration of Permaculture Principles: Apply permaculture principles like observation, diversity, and natural patterns to design resilient, self-sustaining rose gardens that mimic natural ecosystems and promote ecological harmony and abundance.
  94. Advancement of Soil Health: Advance soil health by cultivating practices like minimal tillage, cover cropping, and crop rotation to build soil organic matter, enhance microbial activity, and improve nutrient cycling and availability for roses.
  95. Encouragement of Natural Pest Predators: Encourage the presence of natural pest predators like ladybugs, lacewings, and parasitic wasps by providing habitat, shelter, and nectar sources to support their populations and keep pest populations in check.
  96. Support of Pollinator Habitats: Support pollinator habitats by planting a diverse array of flowering plants, providing nesting sites like bee hotels or brush piles, and minimizing pesticide use to create a healthy and biodiverse ecosystem that benefits roses and other plants.
  97. Application of Compost Tea: Apply compost tea to rose plants as a foliar spray or soil drench to boost microbial activity, suppress diseases, and improve nutrient uptake for healthier, more resilient plants and vibrant blooms.
  98. Adoption of Regenerative Practices: Adopt regenerative gardening practices like no-till gardening, agroforestry, and rotational grazing to restore soil health, sequester carbon, and enhance ecosystem services while growing beautiful and productive roses.
  99. Utilization of Indigenous Growing Techniques: Learn from indigenous growing techniques like polyculture, agroforestry, and intercropping to create diverse and productive rose gardens that mimic natural ecosystems and promote biodiversity, resilience, and sustainability.
  100. Embrace of Holistic Management: Embrace holistic management principles like whole-systems thinking, adaptive management, and ecological stewardship to cultivate beautiful red roses in harmony with nature, community, and cultural heritage for generations to come.


  1.  Send red roses, of course!
  2.  Check out the American Rose Society.
  3.  Purchase a live red rose bush.
  4.  Try some rose recipes (who’s brave?)
  5.  Host a dinner party and serve rose wine.
  6.  If you love the article image, purchase it on these fun products on Zazzle!
  7.  Download the 38 Hertz Celebration Book with 365 days of celebrations!


Note:  If the above links do not direct you to the appropriate referral on the first try, return to the article and try again.
Do you have any ideas about how to celebrate this day?  Please share them!



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