November 13 – World Kindness Day

November 13 is celebrated as World Kindness Day every year. It’s a day dedicated to promoting acts of kindness, no matter how small. Whether it’s lending a helping hand to someone in need or simply offering a smile to a stranger, World Kindness Day encourages people to spread compassion and empathy throughout the world. This day reminds us that even the smallest act of kindness can make a big difference in someone’s life. So, on this World Kindness Day, let’s make a commitment to spread love and positivity wherever we go. Together, we can make the world a kinder place, one small act of kindness at a time!


The random acts of kindness movement has spread across the world, but where did it all begin? The history of this heartwarming movement dates back to the 1980s when Ann Herbert wrote the words “Practice random kindness and senseless acts of beauty” on a placemat in a Sausalito, California restaurant. From there, the movement grew as strangers began to take small actions that made a big impact on those around them. Today, it’s not unusual to hear stories of people paying for someone else’s coffee or leaving encouraging notes in public places. The power of kindness is undeniable, and it’s thanks to the pioneers of this movement that we’re all inspired to pay it forward.


  1. One benefit of being kind is that it can increase our happiness levels. Showing kindness towards others can release hormones that promote feelings of joy and satisfaction.
  2. It can help reduce stress and anxiety, aiding in overall mental health.
  3. When we make others feel valued and appreciated, we are strengthening our connections with them.
  4. Acts of kindness can inspire others to pay it forward, creating a ripple effect of positivity.
  5. Overall, practicing kindness towards others can lead to a happier, healthier, and more fulfilling life.


  1.  Download the FREE 38 Hertz 30 Days of Happiness Guide.
  2.  Visit and check out their mission.
  3.  Get a daily dose of kindness and share it on social media.
  4.  Send beautiful KindNotes.
  5.  If you love the article image, purchase it on these fun products on Zazzle!

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Do you have any ideas about how to celebrate this day?  Please share them!

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