January 16 – National Do Nothing Day

national do nothing day

National Do Nothing Day is January 16!

January 16th may seem like an ordinary winter day, but for some, it’s a very special occasion. That’s because it’s National Nothing Day! While some might think it’s strange to celebrate doing nothing, others see it as the perfect opportunity to relax and recharge. National Do Nothing Day was created in the 1970s by columnist Harold Pullman Coffin as a day to celebrate “nothing,” to “think, meditate, or just plain veg out.”

So take a break from the hustle and bustle of everyday life and embrace the nothingness. Whether that means curling up with a good book, going for a walk in nature, or simply sitting in silence, National Nothing Day is a chance to do absolutely nothing – guilt-free.


National Do Nothing Day, observed on January 16th each year, was created by Harold Pullman Coffin, an American newspaper columnist, in the late 1970s. The day is intended to be a light-hearted and humorous observance that encourages people to take a break from the busyness of life and simply do nothing.

Harold Pullman Coffin introduced National Do Nothing Day as a tongue-in-cheek response to the myriad of special days and observances that were gaining popularity. In an era filled with dedicated days for various causes, activities, and celebrations, Coffin proposed a day that celebrated the art of doing nothing.

While National Do Nothing Day is not a widely recognized or officially sanctioned holiday, it has gained a humorous and somewhat rebellious following. People often use the day as an opportunity to indulge in rest, leisure, and a break from the usual hectic pace of life. Whether it’s taking a nap, enjoying a quiet moment, or simply embracing stillness, National Do Nothing Day encourages individuals to find joy in the absence of activity.


In a world that often celebrates productivity and constant activity, there comes a whimsical reprieve in the form of National Do Nothing Day. Nestled on January 16th, this lighthearted observance, conceived by newspaper columnist Harold Pullman Coffin in the 1970s, whimsically invites us to embrace the art of doing nothing. It’s a day that playfully rebels against the hustle and bustle, urging us to set aside the to-do lists, momentarily escape the demands of a busy world, and find joy in the simplicity of stillness. So, put away the agendas, loosen the ties of obligation, and revel in the liberating notion that sometimes, the most meaningful moments are the ones where we allow ourselves to do absolutely nothing at all.
  1. Mindful Breathing: Practice mindful breathing by focusing on each breath. Inhale and exhale slowly, allowing yourself to be fully present in the moment.
  2. Sit in Silence: Find a comfortable spot, sit in silence, and let your mind wander without any specific thoughts or distractions.
  3. Cloud Watching: Lie on your back and gaze at the clouds. Allow your imagination to flow as you observe the shapes and patterns drifting across the sky.
  4. Stargazing Night: Spend an evening stargazing. Find a quiet place, lay back, and appreciate the vastness of the night sky.
  5. Enjoy a Hot Beverage: Savor the moment by enjoying a cup of your favorite hot beverage. Let the warmth and flavor soothe your senses.
  6. Relaxing Bath: Indulge in a relaxing bath. Allow the warm water to envelop you, and simply enjoy the sensation without any rush.
  7. Lie on the Grass: Find a patch of grass, lie down, and connect with nature. Feel the earth beneath you and relish the simplicity of the moment.
  8. Hammock Time: Sway gently in a hammock. Let the rhythmic motion lull you into a state of relaxation as you embrace the stillness.
  9. Admire Candle Flames: Light a candle and focus on the flickering flame. Let the mesmerizing dance of light and shadow captivate your attention.
  10. Daydreaming Hour: Set aside a dedicated hour for daydreaming. Allow your mind to wander, explore creative thoughts, and embrace the freedom of imagination without any purpose.


  1.   Do as little as possible today.
  2.   Read this fun article, “National Nothing Day is the Seinfeld of Holidays.”
  3.   Download the 38 Hertz Celebration Book with 365 days of celebrations.

Note:  If the above links do not direct you to the appropriate referral on the first try, return to the article and try again.

Do you have any ideas about how to celebrate this day?  Please share them!

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