March 14 – National Learn About Butterflies Day

Interesting facts about butterflies

Interesting facts about butterflies are the highlight of National Learn About Butterflies Day!

Butterflies are a sight to behold! With their vibrant colors and elegant flights, they make any landscape come alive. In the world of insects, butterflies certainly stand out from the crowd. All butterflies belong to the order Lepidoptera, which translates literally to ‘scale-winged’. They originate from larvae known as caterpillars, and come in an astonishing 15,000 documented species. From sea level all the way up to mountain hikes, you’re likely to find these beautifully diverse creatures fluttering around collecting nectar from flowering plants. To observe these magnificent creatures is a true pleasure — next time you spot one in your garden, take the time to appreciate its beauty!

Interesting facts about butterflies:  The HISTORY OF BUTTERFLIES

Butterflies have been a part of humankind’s history since the days of the Egyptians, Greeks and Romans, when they symbolized the souls of humans. This ties in historically with many cultures’ view of the world as a cycle of death and rebirth. In the 1600s, Carl Linnaeus coined the term “butterfly,” originally meant to describe only certain species like yellow brimstones and zebra blues but eventually grew to encompass every winged insect we now call a butterfly today.

Even Prior to this time period, butterflies were being studied across Europe leading to one of the first butterfly encyclopedias – Francis Willughby’s ‘The History Of Insects’ in 1686, which detailed 66 British species known at that time. From this point forward our understanding of butterflies has progressively grown leading us towards an age that beautifully encapsulates our relationship with them: The Age Of Enlightenment.


  1.  Incredible Metamorphosis: Butterflies undergo a fascinating metamorphosis known as complete metamorphosis, transforming from egg to larva (caterpillar), pupa (chrysalis), and finally emerging as a beautiful adult butterfly.
  2. Remarkable Lifespan: Despite their delicate appearance, butterflies can have varied lifespans. Some species live only a few days, while others, like the Monarch butterfly, may migrate thousands of miles and live for several months.
  3. Taste with Their Feet: Butterflies “taste” substances by standing on them with their feet. Special sensors on their feet allow them to detect chemical compounds, helping them identify suitable food sources and potential mates.
  4. Migration Wonders: Certain butterfly species, such as the Monarch butterfly, undertake incredible long-distance migrations. Monarchs travel thousands of miles between North America and Mexico, exhibiting one of the most remarkable journeys in the insect world.
  5. Colorful Wings: The vibrant colors on butterfly wings are not due to pigments but are a result of microscopic scales. These scales reflect and refract light, creating the dazzling array of colors that make butterflies so visually stunning.
  6. Butterfly Proboscis: Butterflies have a long, tube-like structure called a proboscis that they use to suck nectar from flowers. When not in use, the proboscis is coiled up like a straw.
  7. Wide Range of Species: There are approximately 20,000 different species of butterflies worldwide, each with unique patterns and characteristics. This diversity makes them one of the most intriguing and diverse insect groups.
  8. Butterflies and Pollination: Butterflies play a crucial role in pollination, transferring pollen between flowers as they feed on nectar. This process is vital for the reproduction of many plant species.
  9. Mimicry for Survival: Some butterflies have developed remarkable mimicry to survive in their ecosystems. They may mimic the appearance of other toxic or unpalatable species to deter predators.
  10. Butterflies and Weather: Butterflies are highly sensitive to changes in weather conditions. Their activity is influenced by temperature, sunlight, and humidity, making them important indicators of environmental changes.

There you go, 10 interesting facts about butterflies!


Celebrate National Learn About Butterflies Day by delving into the enchanting world of these winged wonders! Uncover 10 interesting facts above about butterflies, from their incredible metamorphosis to their role in pollination and long-distance migrations. Discover the diversity of butterfly species and their unique features, including the ingenious way they taste with their feet. Embrace the beauty of their colorful wings and learn how butterflies, with their intricate behaviors, contribute to the delicate balance of nature. Join us in appreciating the wonders of butterflies on this special day dedicated to their captivating existence.

  1.   Plant a butterfly garden.
  2.   Make some fun butterfly craftsButterfly gifts.
  3.   Watch a breathtaking butterfly swarm in slow motion.
  4.   Host a butterfly-themed party.
  5.  If you love the article image, purchase it on these fun products on Zazzle!
  6.  Download the 38 Hertz Celebration Book with 365 days of celebrations!

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