March 20 – Spring Equinox Rituals and Celebrations

spring equinox ritualsSpring Equinox Rituals and Celebrations are celebrated today!

The spring equinox, often referred to as the vernal equinox, is a fascinating astronomical event that marks the onset of spring in the Northern Hemisphere. This remarkable occurrence takes place around March 20th or 21st each year, when the earth’s axis is tilted neither towards nor away from the sun, resulting in nearly equal hours of daylight and darkness across the globe. This celestial alignment signifies a time of renewal and rebirth, as nature blossoms in full swing across the landscape.

The term “vernal equinox” stems from Latin origins, with “vernal” meaning “spring” and “equinox” translating to “equal night.” Many ancient civilizations and cultures, such as the Mayans, Celts, and Egyptians, held significant celebrations and built monuments in honor of this event, as it represented the triumph of life over darkness and the balance between opposing forces.

Today, spring equinox rituals and celebrations continue to be essential reminders of the cyclical nature of our existence, urging us to appreciate the flourishing beauty that surrounds us during this magical time of year.


The history of the spring equinox is as colorful and fascinating as the season itself, with ancient civilizations closely observing this pivotal moment in earth’s cycle. Marking the time when the sun crosses the equator, ushering in longer days, it has long been a symbol of renewal, growth, and fertility. Ancient Egyptians celebrated the spring equinox with the Festival of Isis, honoring their goddess of motherhood and fertility. Meanwhile, the Romans held the Feast of Cybele, marking the rebirth of their agricultural deity following the barren winter months.

The Mayans similarly held spring equinox rituals and celebrations in high esteem, signifying the Earth’s awakening, with their El Castillo Pyramid even designed to align with the sun’s rays during this time to project mesmerizing serpent-like shadows. The spring equinox has thus transcended time as an enchanting and vital moment, carrying profound cultural and spiritual significance across the ages, and continuing to inspire a sense of rediscovery and rejuvenation in us all.


  1.  Floral Cleansing Ritual:  Gather fresh flowers and create a bouquet. Use the flowers to cleanse and purify your space, symbolizing the renewal and freshness of spring.
  2. Planting Seeds Ceremony:  Commemorate the growth of new life by planting seeds in a garden or pot. As you plant, set intentions for personal growth and positive changes in the coming season.
  3. Bonfire Gathering:  Host a bonfire celebration with friends and family. As the flames burn, participants can release written wishes or old habits into the fire, symbolizing transformation and renewal.
  4.  Equinox Yoga Practice:  Practice yoga outdoors to connect with the energy of the spring equinox. Focus on poses that symbolize growth, balance, and renewal, aligning your practice with the changing season.
  5.  Nature Walk Meditation:  Take a mindful walk in nature to observe the signs of spring. Reflect on the emerging flora and fauna, appreciating the beauty of new beginnings.
  6.  Egg Painting Ritual:  Engage in the tradition of egg painting, symbolizing fertility and rebirth. Use vibrant colors and intricate designs to celebrate the arrival of spring.
  7.  Spring Feast with Seasonal Foods:  Prepare a spring feast using fresh, seasonal ingredients. Share a meal with loved ones, expressing gratitude for the abundance of the earth and the promise of new growth.
  8.   Altar Decoration:  Create a spring equinox altar with symbols of balance and renewal. Incorporate elements like flowers, candles, and crystals to infuse positive energy into your living space.
  9.   Sun Salutation Ceremony:  Perform a series of sun salutations during sunrise or sunset to honor the balance of day and night during the equinox. Each movement symbolizes the transition from darkness to light.
  10.  Community Drum Circle:  Organize or join a drum circle to celebrate the rhythmic energy of the equinox. Drumming symbolizes unity, harmony, and the pulse of life, connecting participants with the natural cycles of the earth.


  1.  Celebrate the beginning of renewal by building a fairy garden.
  2.  Explore new beginnings by creating a vision board collage.
  3.  Start your spring cleaning and get organized.
  4.  Start to prepare for Easter with an Easter tree.
  5.  If you love the article image, purchase it on these fun products on Zazzle!
  6.  Download the 38 Hertz Celebration Book of 365 days of celebrations!

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Do you have any ideas about how to celebrate this day?  Please share them!

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