June 8 – National Upsy Daisy Day

upsy daisy day

Upsy Daisy Day is a lighthearted and cheerful holiday that encourages us all to embrace the lighthearted and whimsical aspects of life. Celebrated on June 8th, this special day is all about having a positive outlook and staying upbeat even when things get tough. Whether it’s finding joy in the simple things, spreading kindness and compassion, or simply taking a few moments to dance and sing, Upsy Daisy Day is about celebrating all the things that make life worth living.

So why not take a moment to put on your favorite song, grab a bouquet of flowers, and embrace the joy and wonder of the world around you? After all, every day can be an Upsy Daisy Day if we choose to see the world with open eyes and an open heart.


Stephanie West Allen is an attorney who is passionate about promoting emotional intelligence and mindfulness. She is also the founder of Upsy Daisy Day, a day dedicated to spreading positivity and optimism. The origins of Upsy Daisy Day can be traced back to Allen’s childhood, where she recalls her mother saying “up, up, up” to cheer her up after a fall or setback. This phrase stuck with Allen and inspired her to create a day that encourages people to overcome obstacles and stay positive. Upsy Daisy Day is now celebrated on June 8th, and serves as a reminder to keep pushing forward, no matter the circumstances.


  1. Admire a sunset: Take a moment to appreciate the beauty of nature’s colors as the sun sets.
  2. Bake cookies for a neighbor: Spread kindness by sharing homemade treats with those nearby.
  3. Camp in your backyard: Enjoy the simplicity of sleeping under the stars close to home.
  4. Dance in the rain: Embrace spontaneity and let go of inhibitions by dancing in the rain.
  5. Express gratitude: Take time each day to reflect on what you’re thankful for.
  6. Foster a pet: Provide love and care to animals in need by fostering them.
  7. Grow a garden: Find joy in nurturing plants and watching them grow.
  8. Help a stranger: Offer assistance to someone in need, whether it’s carrying groceries or offering directions.
  9. Invite a friend for tea: Share a simple moment of connection over a warm cup of tea.
  10. Join a community cleanup: Contribute to the well-being of your neighborhood by participating in a cleanup effort.
  11. Knit or crochet for charity: Use your crafting skills to create items for those in need.
  12. Listen to uplifting music: Let the melodies lift your spirits and brighten your day.
  13. Meditate in nature: Find peace and serenity by meditating outdoors surrounded by nature.
  14. Nurture a plant: Take care of a houseplant and enjoy the sense of responsibility and growth it brings.
  15. Offer a compliment: Brighten someone’s day with a genuine and heartfelt compliment.
  16. Paint or draw for fun: Tap into your creativity and express yourself through art.
  17. Quiet reflection: Set aside time for quiet reflection to center yourself and find inner peace.
  18. Read a favorite book: Escape into the pages of a beloved book and immerse yourself in its world.
  19. Savor a homemade meal: Enjoy the satisfaction of cooking and savoring a delicious homemade meal.
  20. Take a nature walk: Connect with the beauty of the natural world by going for a leisurely walk.
  21. Unplug for a day: Disconnect from technology and enjoy the simplicity of unplugged activities.
  22. Visit a nursing home: Spread joy by spending time with residents and listening to their stories.
  23. Write a letter to a friend: Share your thoughts and feelings with a handwritten letter to a friend.
  24. Xylophone jam session: Have a playful xylophone jam session and make music with friends or family.
  25. Yoga in the park: Practice yoga outdoors and feel grounded and connected to nature.
  26. Zoom call with loved ones: Connect with friends or family members virtually for a fun and uplifting chat.
  27. Attend a local concert: Support local artists and enjoy live music in your community.
  28. Build a fort: Tap into your inner child and build a cozy fort with blankets and pillows.
  29. Cook a new recipe: Explore new flavors and cuisines by trying out a new recipe in the kitchen.
  30. Donate gently used items: Declutter your home and spread kindness by donating items to those in need.
  31. Enjoy a bubble bath: Indulge in a relaxing bubble bath and pamper yourself with self-care.
  32. Feed the birds: Fill a bird feeder and enjoy watching the feathered visitors to your yard.
  33. Give hugs freely: Share warmth and affection by giving hugs to friends and loved ones.
  34. Host a movie night: Gather friends or family for a cozy movie night complete with popcorn and blankets.
  35. Invite a friend for a picnic: Spend quality time outdoors with a friend and enjoy a picnic together.
  36. Journey to a new place: Explore a new neighborhood, town, or park and discover its hidden gems.
  37. Kindness challenge: Challenge yourself to perform random acts of kindness throughout the day.
  38. Laugh often: Seek out humor and find joy in the simple pleasure of laughter.
  39. Make a gratitude jar: Write down things you’re grateful for and add them to a jar to revisit when needed.
  40. Nature photography: Capture the beauty of the natural world through photography and share your images with others.
  41. Offer to babysit: Give parents a much-needed break by offering to babysit their children for a few hours.
  42. Practice mindfulness: Be present in the moment and fully engage with whatever you’re doing.
  43. Quiet reading time: Set aside time each day to read quietly and escape into a good book.
  44. Random acts of kindness: Surprise someone with a small act of kindness, such as paying for their coffee or holding the door open.
  45. Sing karaoke: Let loose and have fun singing karaoke with friends or family.
  46. Take a scenic drive: Explore the beauty of your surroundings with a leisurely drive through scenic routes.
  47. Unwind with a puzzle: Challenge your mind and unwind with a jigsaw puzzle or crossword.
  48. Volunteer at a shelter: Give back to your community by volunteering your time at a local shelter or food bank.
  49. Write poetry: Tap into your creativity and express yourself through poetry writing.
  50. Xylophone serenade: Serenade a loved one with a xylophone performance of their favorite song.
  51. Yoga retreat: Treat yourself to a yoga retreat and immerse yourself in relaxation and rejuvenation.
  52. Zero-waste lifestyle: Reduce your environmental impact and find joy in living a zero-waste lifestyle.
  53. Attend a farmer’s market: Support local farmers and artisans by shopping at a farmer’s market.
  54. Bike ride adventure: Explore your city or town on a leisurely bike ride and enjoy the sights along the way.
  55. Crafting for a cause: Use your crafting skills to create items for a charitable cause, such as knitting blankets for shelters or making cards for nursing home residents.
  56. Donate blood: Save lives and spread kindness by donating blood to those in need.
  57. Eco-friendly living: Adopt eco-friendly habits and make small changes to reduce your carbon footprint.
  58. Family game night: Bond with family members over board games, card games, or puzzles.
  59. Go for a hike: Connect with nature and enjoy the beauty of the great outdoors on a hiking adventure.
  60. Help with chores: Offer to help a friend or family member with household chores to lighten their load.
  61. Inspire others: Share inspirational quotes or stories with friends and followers on social media.
  62. Join a book club: Connect with like-minded individuals and engage in stimulating discussions through a book club.
  63. Kindness rock project: Paint uplifting messages or designs on rocks and leave them in public places for others to find.
  64. Learn a new hobby: Explore your interests and learn something new, whether it’s painting, knitting, or playing an instrument.
  65. Movie marathon: Indulge in a movie marathon featuring your favorite films or binge-watch a new TV series.
  66. Naptime: Take a well-deserved nap and recharge your mind and body for the rest of the day.
  67. Open mic night: Showcase your talents or support local artists by attending an open mic night at a cafe or bar.
  68. Plant a tree: Make a positive impact on the environment by planting a tree in your community.
  69. Quiet time in nature: Find a peaceful spot outdoors and spend time in quiet reflection or meditation.
  70. Random acts of kindness challenge: Challenge yourself to perform a certain number of random acts of kindness each week.
  71. Spend time with pets: Enjoy the companionship of furry friends and take pleasure in their unconditional love.
  72. Take a digital detox: Disconnect from screens and technology for a day and focus on offline activities.
  73. Visit a museum: Expand your horizons and immerse yourself in art, history, or science at a local museum.
  74. Write a handwritten letter: Reconnect with loved ones by writing and sending handwritten letters.
  75. Yoga and meditation retreat: Treat yourself to a weekend getaway focused on relaxation, yoga, and meditation.
  76. Zero-waste cooking: Reduce food waste and get creative in the kitchen by using up leftovers in inventive recipes.
  77. Attend a live performance: Experience the magic of live theater, music, or dance performances in your area.
  78. Bake bread from scratch: Enjoy the process of making homemade bread from scratch and savor the delicious aroma as it bakes.
  79. Create a vision board: Visualize your dreams and goals by creating a vision board filled with images and quotes that inspire you.
  80. Dance party at home: Turn up the music and have a spontaneous dance party in the comfort of your own home.
  81. Enjoy a leisurely brunch: Indulge in a delicious brunch spread with friends or family and savor the unhurried pace.
  82. Foster a spirit of generosity: Look for opportunities to give back to your community and support those in need.
  83. Give yourself permission to rest: Prioritize self-care and give yourself permission to rest and recharge when needed.
  84. Host a potluck dinner: Bring friends and neighbors together for a fun and casual potluck dinner.
  85. Invite a friend for a nature walk: Connect with a friend and enjoy quality time together while exploring the great outdoors.
  86. Join a volunteer project: Get involved in a volunteer project that aligns with your interests and values.
  87. Keep a gratitude journal: Cultivate a mindset of gratitude by keeping a journal of things you’re thankful for each day.
  88. Learn a new dance: Take up dancing as a hobby and learn a new dance style or routine.
  89. Make time for self-care: Prioritize your well-being by carving out time for activities that nourish your mind, body, and soul.
  90. Nourish your body with healthy food: Choose nourishing foods that fuel your body and provide energy and vitality.
  91. Offer words of encouragement: Lift someone’s spirits by offering words of encouragement and support.
  92. Practice deep breathing: Incorporate deep breathing exercises into your daily routine to reduce stress and promote relaxation.
  93. Quiet time with a cup of tea: Set aside quiet time each day to enjoy a soothing cup of tea and reflect on your thoughts.
  94. Random acts of kindness jar: Fill a jar with ideas for random acts of kindness and choose one to do each day.
  95. Spend time in nature: Connect with the natural world by spending time outdoors and soaking in the beauty of your surroundings.
  96. Take a leisurely bike ride: Explore your neighborhood or city on a leisurely bike ride and enjoy the sights and sounds along the way.
  97. Unplug and unwind: Take a break from screens and technology and enjoy some quiet time to unwind and relax.
  98. Volunteer at a local shelter: Give back to your community by volunteering your time at a local animal shelter or soup kitchen.
  99. Write a letter of appreciation: Express gratitude to someone who has made a positive impact on your life by writing them a heartfelt letter of appreciation.
  100. Yoga and mindfulness practice: Cultivate inner peace and balance through a regular yoga and mindfulness practice.


  1.  Purchase a new happy journal.
  2.  Get the FREE Guide to More Happiness.
  3.  Read the article, “The Science of Happiness.”
  4.  How happy are you?  Take the test!
  5.  If you love the article image, purchase it on these fun products on Zazzle!
  6.  Download the 38 Hertz Celebration Book with 365 days of celebrations!


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05/11/2024 01:48 pm GMT

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Do you have any ideas about how to celebrate this day?  Please share them!

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