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January 26 – Clashing Clothes Day

Clashing clothes day can be a fun and exciting time as students express themselves through their wardrobe. It’s a break from the uniforms that many students have to wear on a daily basis, allowing them to be more creative with their outfit choices. For those who are into fashion, it’s an opportunity to show off their wildest clothing combinations and make a statement. The best part of clashing clothes day is when everyone comes together in appreciation of each other’s outfits, allowing everyone to get to know one another better and bond over their fashionista interests. For the days when one might simply not feel like wearing the same style everyday, clashing clothes day is truly a saving grace!


The first recorded examples of clothing date back about 72,000 years ago when early humans fashioned fur-based clothing from animal hides decorated with paint and bone beads. Fast-forward to ancient times and we find that clothing was an indicator of an individual’s wealth and class; starting with the Egyptians who used linen to create multi-pieces ensembles, through to the Greeks in their brightly colored tunics, heralding fashion as a form of expression. Clothing has been used throughout history to identify different cultures, occupations and religious beliefs, however its true purpose has always been a source of expression.


  1.  The Ancient Egyptian period, where linen was simply cut and draped in various ways.
  2.  The Renaissance period, where corsetry was common and elaborate headpieces were worn.
  3.  The Baroque era, which saw sumptuous fabrics often decorated with intricate embroidery.
  4.  The Rococo period, characterized by more delicate materials featuring lace details.
  5.  Modern days with haute couture, an utterly luxurious wardrobe.

Clashing Clothes Day offers a time to throw all fashion rules out the window and just be crazy!


  1.   Wear clashing clothes today!
  2.   Post a selfie on social media using the hashtag #clashingclothesday.
  3.  The Art of Styling Clashing Prints – learn how to clash with style!
  4.  Take a course on finding your own personal style and style hacks.
  5.  If you love the article image, Clashy Lady, purchase it on these fun products on Zazzle!

Note:  If the above links do not direct you to the appropriate referral on the first try, return to the article and try again.

Do you have any ideas about how to celebrate this day?  Please share them!


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