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Madison High School Reunion Book


Hi MHS Friends –

I’ll be ordering our books on November 15 to give everyone time to see the Facebook post, as once I place the order, it becomes more cumbersome to get these to you one at a time.  SnapFish has an odd pricing mechanism, which makes it a little difficult to come to a price point to make sure you aren’t overpriced, as well as I don’t end up footing the bill myself.  SnapFish does not have a way for you to order directly; it’s really meant for folks to work on individual projects.  I have made a few of these books, and they are lovely!

After I close the order request on November 15, I will then receive the books and mail them out to you so also need to price these to cover that postage and mailing supplies.

Given all of that, I’ve come up with $28 per book to cover the book, postage to send the order to me, postage and shipping supplies for me to send the book to you, and a processing fee for the banking (everyone gets a piece lol).

While you’re here, to orient you, this is a website/blog that I own.  I decided to take order monies from my website as you will not have to pay as much for processing (as the event website for the reunion charges).  I’m utilizing my PayPal account to create a payment mechanism, but you don’t have to use PayPal – click on the payment button to pay with a credit/debit card, PayPal, ApplePay, and even Venmo.


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