
March 11- Genealogy Day

Genealogy Day is an excellent opportunity to take time to delve into family roots. Knowing your personal history and that of your ancestors is an amazing journey into the past, providing insight into where you come from and how you got to be the person you are today. Entire branches of the family tree can often be uncovered through the process of researching genealogy. Celebrating Genealogy Day can be educational and entertaining, from digging deep into old records to collecting stories or hearing tales from relatives about past generations. There’s no better way to honor our ancestors than by dedicating a day specifically for exploring their legacy and discovering our own place in it.


Researching genealogy is an age-old activity that can be tracked back centuries. It has been documented that individuals used records to study their family trees as early as the 16th century in Europe. Although there have been shifts and changes throughout the years due to technology, the basic research strategies have remained steady. Records such as Census documents, birth and death certificates, vital records, will and estate paperwork and even parochial registries provide great insight into family facts from generations ago. Today, more people are turning to online records for fast and accurate information about relatives in the past. While electronic sources certainly make it easier for many people to identify their ancestors, nothing beats traditional hands-on investigations for those seeking a complete trace of their genetic history.


  1.  It helps to uncover meaningful stories and details of people in the past.
  2.  It provides information that can be used for medical purposes.
  3.  Exploring genealogy allows you to reconstruct how different generations fit together and form a family tree.
  4.  Doing research assists in piecing together facts about the lives of ancestors who passed away long ago.
  5.  Genealogy research gives an opportunity to build valuable relationships with living relatives and distant family members alike. Taking this step can be life-changing!


  1.  Read the 38 Hz article, “Find Your Ancestors.”
  2.  Find your ancestors on the Ellis Island manifest tool.
  3.  Subscribe to Family Tree Magazine.
  4.  Write a book about yourself or your relative.
  5.  If you love the article image, purchase it on these fun products on Zazzle!

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Do you have any ideas about how to celebrate this day?  Please share them!


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